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December 2022
Barcelona, month summary.Material supply in time and in sequence systems are usually subject of many particularities caused either by the specificities of the OEM manufacturing plant, either by the kind of material and overall, by both the OEM and plant processes. A sequencing solution and the team behind it must be able to manage all this diversity ensuring system robustness, fast implementation and effective and quick support. GIMM-LINCS compiles all these capabilities that are revealed along the long list of projects that have implemented it. A few samples are starting this month in plants of the United Kingdom, Mexico and France. These particularities make LINCS also evolve as a product. Following are the new functionalities released for LINCS in December:• The use case LUC141 implements a new option in LINCS2 web interface that allows the user to select the container that will be validated into a ECS (Expedition Control System) station. • LUC145 adds new fields to Truck Management screen.• LUC146 allows the incremental integration of OEM forecast data.GIMM STOCS was upgraded with 2 big improvements:• STOCS automated warehouse now includes the possibility to configure different AGV’s transport closure strategies in an internal table, based on the kind of the closed transport (putaway, normal/special/internal picking), the data returned from the AGV system when closing the transport, and the status of the container affected by the transport.GIMM PROCS also has a new functionality available:• Use case UC1357 implements a new interface with SAP MII (Manufacturing Intelligence and Integration module) to import into PROCS rework and scrap data.Please address to contact requests to receive more information about our products and servicesYour GIMM Solutions team.
Project to modify the process flow in the existing PROCS installation.OEM: BMW BRILLIANCE (BBA)
Configuration of a new line in GIMM-LINCS for the delivery in sequence of parts for a new vehicle model.OEM: RENAULT TRUCKS
Addition of new workstations to the existing GIMM-PROCS installation.OEM: CUMMINS
Project to add new workstations and a new line to the existing PROCS installation that controls the production of parts for Mercedes Langfang and VOLVO.OEM: DAIMLER, VOLVO
Project to implement the Payment Conciliation module in the existing LINCS (sequencing system) of the plant. OEM: VOLKSWAGEN
Implementation of changes in the production line workflow on GIMM-PROCS. Alll changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: VOLVO
This project will implement a new line in the existing GIMM-PROCS installation that will control the production of parts for AUDI MLBW. The changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: AUDI
rvsEVO EMEA-SPAIN-Martorell
Project to implement 2 new workflows in rvsEVO for the EDI file exchange with SEAT: SLI/LH and GALO.OEM: SEAT
Project to add new workstations to the existing PROCS installation that controls the production of parts for Mercedes Langfang.OEM: DAIMLER
Implementation of a new line on the existing PROCS installation of the plant.OEM: HYUNDAI
Project to apply modifications in the production workflow on the existing PROCS installation of the plant.OEM: STELLANTIS
Implementation of new workstations in the existing line on gIMM-PROCS.OEM: TESLA
New LINCS installation to supply in sequence parts for Jaguar Land Rover factory at Solihull (UK). The system will also implement rvsEVO and GIMM-Synchron software for the EDI integration of forecast and call-off files from JLR. In addition to the formal checks on the sequence, LINCS will be configured with 4 Expedition Control Stations (ECS) for the quality control of the sequences in the containers and in the trucks. LINCS will interface with the ERP system of the plant.OEM: JAGUAR LAND ROVER
This project will implement gIMM-PROCS for new Daimler M254 assembly line. The system will control the production and traceability of all the workstations involved in the assembly of the final reference.OEM: DAIMLER
November 2022
Barcelona, month summary.Many projects are ongoing these last months of the year. In a high-level overview, several projects will install EDI connectors, some will use rvsEVO to connect with VW plants, others Synchron for data exchange with STELLANTIS; Another big group of projects will make adaptations in the existing PROCS or LINCS systems at the plants to configure new production lines, workstations and external interfaces. To finalize, a few plants will migrate their LINCS sequencing system in use, to the new version, LINCS2. Additional details can be found in the list below.On the other hand, this month were released two cumulative updates with product improvements for PROCS and LINCS2:- CU124 for GIMM-PROCS upgrades the product with the use case UC1339. This new functionality, will allow a quality validation of all the items in a container by scanning the container label.- CU023 for LINCS2, will make available the use case LUC140, consisting in a new webservice to receive traceability data via API REST sent by an external system, and integrate them in LINCS.All the details about our products and new releases are available for our customers in the Download Center accessible from the Customer Area . If you are not yet our customer but would like to receive more information about our products and services, please go to contact requests . Your GIMM Solutions team.
rvsEVO EMEA-SPAIN-Pamplona
Configuration of rvsEVO to additionally send the Delivery Note in VDA4913 format to the OEM.OEM: DAIMLER
This project will adapt the existing LINCS system at the plant to add a new sequecing station for the supply of parts to a different OEM line.OEM: SEAT
Implementation of a new flow on the current line in PROCS. The changes will be self-configured by the customer.OEM: FORD
Project to add new workstations in gIMM-PROCS. The changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: GM SYNERGY TRUCKS
Project to migrate the existing production lines in PROCS in several plants to a single new plant. OEM: STELLANTIS
Implementation of a new line in PROCS for the production control and traceability of parts for P21 project.OEM: PSA
rvsEVO AMERICA-MEXICO-San Jose de Chiapa
Project to install and configure rvsEVO software to manage the EDI communications between the plant and AUDI in San José de Chiapa.OEM: AUDI
Project to add new workstations in gIMM-PROCS for the manufacturing control of MY25 project parts.OEM: GM
Project to add new workstations in gIMM-PROCS for the manufacturing control of MY25 project parts.OEM: GM
New LINCS JIT/JIS system installation at Redondela that will sequence parts for K9 vehicle in long range sequencing mode, to Stellantis in Ellesmere Port (UK). The solution will also implement GIMM Synchron EDI Connector to download files from Stellantis Corail Service. LINCS will interface with SAP and with CAPTURA which will be in charge of printing JIS labels.OEM: STELLANTIS
Implementation of 2 new Poka-Yoke controls to check parts sustitutions after rack closure and special part types which are sequenced in KANBAN mode.OEM: BMW
Implementation of new workstations in gIMM-PROCS system. The changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: GM
Implementation of changes in the handling of the Call Off and addition of new workstations.OEM: DAIMLER
Project to add the possibility of managing the printing of the JIS labels in two ways: Automatic based on LINCS configuration, or Manual being the user who access to LINCS UI and launches the printing. LINCS will have the possibility to change from one mode to the other.OEM: VW
rvsEVO EMEA-SPAIN-Pamplona
Installation of 2 rvsEVO Standard systems for the electronic exchange of data between the plant and the OEM.OEM: VW
Implementation of additional lineS on existing GIMM system. The changes will be configured by the plant.OEM: VW
Project to add new workstations to the existing line. The changes will be configured by the plant.OEM: FIAT
Implementation of the SAP MII interface via API REST. The changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: STELLANTIS
PROCS EMEA-HUNGARY-Jaszarokszallas
Implementation of additional lines in PROCS for the production control and traceability of several parts. The changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: VW
Project to install additional workstations in gIMM-PROCS system.OEM: TOYOTA
Implementation of additional lines in PROCS for the production control and traceability of several parts.OEM: PSA, DAIMLER
LINCS migration to the new version LINCS2, including web user interface. OEM: STELLANTIS
Project to sequence parts for vehicle model P21 Facelift using modular structure calls. The plant, which already sequences P21 car model, will also take the opportunity for the migration of the LINCS existing system to LINCS2. OEM: STELLANTIS
October 2022
Barcelona, month summary.New tools for GIMM-LINCS sequencing solution have been released in October. • The first one is a new LINCS translator for BMW JIS5300 Calloff and degraded messages used by BMW San Luis de Potosí (Mexico).• The second is a Production Planning tool. This planner is prepared to receive the files with the production plan coming from an external system. These files are integrated in the system and then, the production orders are generated in accordance with a set of rules configured in the system. During the process, the user will be able to modify the quantities to be produced and to lock production of certain references. All Calculations made by the system as well as the modifications entered by the users and the original values are logged for traceability purposes.Other functionalities added this month are:• UC1331. It is a new PROCS workstations function to restart production of a JIT order.• SUC201, a Job for receiving JIT orders and reorders by Rest API.On the other hand, we are working on many projects for the deployment of our solutions. A few examples are a new installation of T-Systems rvsEVO to manage EDI communications with VW Navarra, a new PROCS installation will control the production of parts for Dacia P310 in Romania and a new LINCS installation will start sequencing for VW Pacheco in Argentina.You can read more about our projects in the list below and find additional details about these new functionalities in the Download Center accessible from the Customer Area . We are also very happy to receive your contact requests for more information about our products and services. Your GIMM Solutions team.
Project to add new part types and the consequents adaptations in PROCS production control and traceability system.OEM: PSA
Implementation of the reception of JIT files by means of a webservice.OEM: BMW
Project for the implementation of changes in the configuration and the addition of new and shared workstations in PROCS traceability system in the plant. The changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: FORD
Implementation of new workstations in PROCS traceability system for Ford P703/U704 project.OEM: FORD
Project to implement new use cases in the automatic management of AGV transports and emergency situations at the plant's warehouse.OEM: VW
Implementation of PROCS traceability system for Dacia P310 IP –project.OEM: DACIA
Implementation of a new workflow in the plant's LINCS-ECS (Expedition Control System). The system ensures the quality in the JIS delivery of parts for vehicle model PSA P54.OEM: PSA
Project to install and configure rvsEVO to manage the EDI communications between the sequencing system of the plant and VW Pamplona.OEM: VW
Implementation of new stations for FORD P702 project on PROCS servers. The changes will be self-configured by the plant.OEM: GM
Project to implement new workstations in the existing GIMM-PROCS installation at the plant.OEM: GM
PROCS EMEA-HUNGARY-Jaszarokszallas
Project to configure ERP-PROCS interface for Containers production.OEM: VW
Project to add new workstations and change the existing workflow in GIMM-PROCS installation at the plant.OEM: TESLA
Implementation of new stations for Volvo P6700 project on PROCS servers.OEM: VOLVO
New LINCS system installation for the sequencing of parts to VW Pacheco. T-Systems' rvsEVO will be in charge of the EDI communications. The system will also control the picking process of certain part families.OEM: VW
Project to implement new workstations in the existing GIMM-PROCS installation at the plant.OEM: DAIMLER
September 2022
Barcelona, month summary.We start the season with a new brand connected in our references: NAVISTAR. GIMM-PROCS will be soon the system to control and trace the production of some parts delivered to this Truck and Bus manufacturer. The rest of our projects starting this month also aim to add new lines, workstations and functional requirements to our existing systems deployed in the production plants, thus adapting PROCS or LINCS systems to the current needs of our customers.One cumulative update, CU121, was released in September including new functionalities for STOCS related with priority management of AGVs in Automated Warehouses and conveyor status visualization.As usual, please refer to our Download Center for additional information on all new features. Download Center is accessible from the Customer Area . Your GIMM Solutions team.
Installation of a new GIMM-PROCS system for the production control and traceability of parts produced for NAVISTAR, a brand that manufactures and commercializes trucks and buses. The whole line configuration will be done by the customer.OEM: NAVISTAR
Project to implement new workstations in the existing GIMM-PROCS installation. OEM: VINFAST
Project to implement new workstations and new flows in the existing gIMM-PROCS line in the plant.OEM: RENAULT
rvsEVO EMEA-SPAIN-Martorell
Project to install rvsEVO for the electronic exchange of data between the OEM and the Customer.OEM: SEAT
Project to adapt LINCS-SAP interface of the plant to new customer requirements.OEM: STELLANTIS
Implementation of an additional line in the existing GIMM-PROCS installation.OEM: STELLANTIS
Addition of a new production Project to GIMM-PROCS installation of the plant. All the changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: DAIMLER
Project to implement a new line in the GIMM-PROCS system installed in the plant.OEM: VINFAST
New line to be implemented in the existing GIMM-PROCS installation.OEM: CATERPILLAR
An additional flow will be configured in the gIMM-PROCS system of the plant.installation. The changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: PSA
Implementation of additional workstations in the existing gIMM-PROCS installation.OEM: STELLANTIS
August 2022
Barcelona, month summary.August is a month when many production plants have downtime for maintenance tasks typically. In GIMM we take advantage of this lower activity period for continuous improvement. This month we have released 2 internal process automations that will enhance the creation of tickets raised by the automatic checklists of the servers, and the creation of cumulative updates in LINCS2, respectively. We have also released CU019 for LINCS2 which includes the EDI-LINCS translator for Jaguar Land Rover sequencing messages, and we are starting the development of a new version of GIMM WebPicking which will include Kanban and Kitting workflows with a pick-to-light interface.On the other hand, this month we increase our references with deployments in new plants and a new country, South Korea: - GIMM LINCS will be installed and configured in a new plant sequencing for BMW in San Luis de Potosí (Mexico) - GIMM PROCS in 2 new plants in Quilmes (Argentina) and Jangan (South Korea). We thank our customers for keeping spreading GIMM around the globe.All details about these functionalities in the Download Center accessible from the Customer Area . We are also very happy to receive your contact requests for more information about our products and services. Your GIMM Solutions team.
Project to implement new workflows in GIMM Webpicking solution as well as an interface with the plant's pick-to-light.OEM: DAIMLER
This project aims to implement GIMM JIS solution for the sequencing of parts to BMW in San Luis de Potosí. The Solution will be adapted in order to meet the specific requirements of the customer.OEM: BMW
Project for the configuration of the QC PLC Status Alerts in gimm PROCS.OEM: FORD, VINFARD, GM
This project will implement GIMM PROCS in a new plant at Quilmes (Argentina). The system will control the production of parts for vehicle Ford T6.OEM: GM
Implementation of an additional line on GIMM PROCS system. The line will be producing parts for a new OEM.OEM: HAVAL
Project for the implementation of new workstations in PROCS system installed in the plant. The new stations will be configured by the customer.OEM: GM
Implementation of a new line in the existing GIMM PROCS system for the traceability and production control of parts of VW–4MOTION vehicles. All the changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: VW
Addition of a new vehicle project in the existing GIMM PROCS system in the plant.OEM: VW
Project to implement PROCS production control and traceability system in a new plant producing parts for Hyundai Jeonju.OEM: HYUNDAI
Implementation of new references and flow in the existing GIMM PROCS system of the plant.OEM: FORD
Project for the implementation of a new workflow for the production control and traceability of a new car model.OEM: KIA
July 2022
Barcelona, month summary.When we make an overview of our deployment projects, we love to see how our solutions help our customers in both managing the production and delivery of goods as well as in the improvement of their processes by introducing tools that reduce human error and speed up processes. This can be seen in the project list of this month. You will find, for example, projects to implement Webpicking systems, customized quality assurance processes, … or projects to modify the systems workflow adapting it for new components produced by the plant.Our GIMM internal projects also reflect the same. This month we have mainly released improvements to reduce the time required by users or GIMM technicians in several GIMM related processes, as well as to improve the quality. The processes that will gain in performance and functionality are documentation access and sharing, systems update and configuration and systems monitoring:- Download center’s user interface has been redesigned to make the information more accessible by reducing the steps needed to view and access all our solutions documents. Additionally, a Customer Document’s repository has been created, aimed to ease documents exchange between GIMM teams and our customers. - Support Manager Application is an advanced tool completely configurable and flexible, that allows GIMM Support Team to flexibly monitor the status of our clients' servers, the performance of our applications and the execution of maintenance plans automatically.- CU017 for Lincs2 includes improvements in Alerts, Containers and Trace level screens. The changes also include new checking operations to secure the integration of Master Data files and system configuration improvements.- CU030 for Runblocks (LINCS core system) adds one new functionality to allow modification of specific Plant’s configuration files without user intervention, by using GIMM Update Tool.We wish you all a safe and restful summer.Your GIMM Solutions team.
This project will implement improvements between systems' communications logic in the STOCS automated warehouse of the plant.OEM: VW
Project to modify the workflow of the production in GIMM-PROCS system. The changes will be self-configured by the customer.OEM: DAF
This project will install gIMM PROCS in a new plant at Silao (Mexico). The plant will produce parts for GM, using PROCS as its MES solution. All the system will be self-configured by the plant.OEM: GM
Implementation of a new line on the existing gIMM-PROCS system for the production control and traceability of new components delivered to PSA.OEM: STELLANTIS
This project will create a user interface to print a security stock of labels for the components selected by the user.OEM: STELLANTIS
Project to implement additional workstations in the existing gIMM PROCS system of the plant. The changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: GM
Project to implement additional workstations in the existing gIMM PROCS system of the plant.OEM: FORD, VW
Project to implement new lines in gIMM-PROCS. The system will control the production and traceability of new components to be delivered to GM and FORD.OEM: VW
This project will create new screen layouts and process flow for two new WebPicking types: Kanban and Kitting. It will also link the GIMM WEBPICKING with the plant's pick to light system.OEM: DAIMLER
Project to implement a Quality Assurance process in the reception of components at the customer's warehouse to avoid sequencing the parts in case of defects.OEM: SEAT
Implementation of a new line on the existing gIMM-PROCS system for the production control and traceability of new components delivered to FORD.OEM: FORD
Project to implement additional workstations in the existing gIMM PROCS system of the plant. The changes will be configured by the plant.OEM: STELLANTIS
Project for the configuration of a new line and the addition of 4 new stations in a gIMM-PROCS installation producing parts for Mercedes GLC SUV model. OEM: VW
Addition of new workstations for VW PL7 project in gIMM-PROCS system.OEM: VW
Project to implement a new line in gIMM-PROCS that will control the production and traceability of components delivered to VOLVO.OEM: VOLVO
June 2022
Barcelona, month summary.A wide variety of projects to deploy or adapt the existing installations of GIMM solutions, have arrived this month: a new LINCS installation in Langres (France) that will sequence components for PSA Mulhouse; a new line with PROCS to control the production of parts for a new connected brand HYVIA, an OEM that is a world leader in hydrogen solutions; a gIMM Webpicking module to be integrated in an existing gIMM PROCS installation in Pardubice (Czech Republic); or the installation of gIMM Webstation to substitute pro-face interface in several workstations in a plant in Peine (Germany). And last but not least, a project that is creating a production planner to smooth the production of a new component in Spain. We have also released a list of 7 new functionalities, in 4 cumulative updates for GIMM, LINCS and SYNCHRON.You will find more details about these functionalities in the Download Center accessible from the Customer Area . We are also very happy to receive your contact requests for more information about our products and services. Your GIMM Solutions team.
This project aims to create a Production Planner system that will create the production orders to smooth the production of new parts that will be sequenced by the plant.OEM: DAIMLER
Project to reconfigure the Synchron EDI connector installed in the plant to download Corail V2 files instead of working in V1 mode, that will allow to get the estimated production date based on the LuaID field coming on Stellantis Corail files for the EPHY point.OEM: STELLANTIS
Project to migrate all PDS workstation from the Daimler Protocol workstations to Gimm communication protocol type workstation. OEM: DAIMLER
Implementation of 1 additional line in GIMM PROCS for the production control of parts to be delivered to PSA Sochaux.OEM: STELLANTIS
Implementation of a new dashboard to show important information about the shipping area and the transport preparation area of the plant. The Dashboard will be configured in the existing GIMM PROCS installation in the plant.OEM: BMW - Brilliance
Project for the implementation of a new of Line in GIMM PROCS that will produce parts for AUDI Q5 .OEM: AUDI
Project to migrate the user interface of a workstation managed by PROCS. The plant requests to migrate the workstation from PRO-FACE to GIMM Webstation, which offers a friendly user interface for the interaction with PLCsOEM: AUDI
This project will implement gIMM-WebPicking module in the existing GIMM PROCS installation. WebPicking is able to show picking lists with the materials that Operator must bring to the assembly lines in a web application without waste of paper for this task. The web application can be accessed by a browser installed in multiple devices, such as PCs, iPads or Android tablets.gIMM-WebPicking will work in Native Mode, by running as an integrated module of gIMM system, that is, picking orders generated by gIMM system from the received call-offs.OEM: BMW
This project will add new workstations to the existing line in PROCS that will control the production and traceability of parts for TESLA in Austin.OEM: TESLA
Implementation of one LINCS system that will sequence in long range mode to PSA. The installation will include Synchron for Corail V2 to download Track, Stack and Preinvoice files.OEM: STELLANTIS
Configuration of additional workstations in the existing PROCS installation.OEM: HYUNDAI
Adaptations in GIMM PROCS installation in the plant to implement changes in the production label as well as add new features to the 30 references produced in the subsection affected.OEM: PORSCHE
Implementation of a new line with PROCS for the production of parts for TESLA.OEM: TESLA
Project to add new workstations in PROCS line producing parts for Mercedes Benz GLC model.OEM: DAIMER
Project to implement a new line using PROCS for the production control and traceability of parts of HYVIA, an OEM leader in hydrogen solutions. OEM: HYVIA
Configuration of a new line for the production control and traceability of parts for VW NCS vehicle models.OEM: VW
Project to implement modifications in gIMM PROCS installation. The layout of the production label of a part will be adapted to enable the use of new components.OEM: FORD
This project will adapt the LINCS system installed in the plant to solve an issue in the Bauggruppen information caused by the way the production information is received.OEM: SEAT
May 2022
Barcelona, month summary.During this month our customers are adapting their GIMM systems to new business needs or customizing them in alignment with their production processes improvements. The list below shows some of these projects related to OEMs as VW, TESLA, SCANIA, PSA, FORD, GM,... From the new functionalities side, three cumulative updates including nine functionalities were released for GIMM and LINCS solutions. A few examples are: UC1228, UC1236 and UC1302 implement Quality Control mechanisms to handle updated references for certain subsections and/or operations. The system will block the production of these references and request Quality Control approval to unblock the items. However, until this happens, a limited amount of these parts should be allowed to be produced. The exact limit can be set at critical subsection level or at critical operation level. The system sends an email to quality team informing of the parts that have been produced inside this limit. UC1254 introduces a new option in Webpicking terminals maintenance "Next List Auto" that allows to disable the popup to select the list to process, and so to start validating next pending list automatically without user interaction.UC1335 has made several improvements in both functionality and technology in the Barcode Configuration screen.LUC124 implements in LINCS version 2, the standard translator for call-off and forecast messages that are received from FIAT.As usual, please refer to our Download Center for additional information on all new features. Download Center is accessible from the Customer Area . We will also be very happy to receive your contact requests for more information about our products and services. Your GIMM Solutions team.
Project to improve the data visualization of the put-away process during regular operation as well as in case of issues with the container, when a synchronization is needed between the WMS and the Conveyor.OEM: VW
Project for the implementation of a new line in the existing GIMM-PROCS system in the plant. The new line will be configured by the plant.OEM: GM
This project will modify the Expedition Control System workflow of a part produced for L462 vehicle.OEM: JLR
Project to implement new workstations for the production and traceability of parts delivered to FORD OEM: FORD
This project will implement a new line for the production of parts for TESLA in Austin. The new line will be included in the existing GIMM-PROCS system of the plant that is currenly producing parts for other OEMS.OEM: TESLA
Project to modify MOS EDI Connector to include additional data requested by the OEM.OEM: TESLA
Project to implement additional workstations in the existing installation of PROCS. The new configuration will be self-implemented by the customer.OEM: DAF
This project will implement the automatic master data integration functionality in the existing PROCS system of the plant. OEM: VW
Project to implement additional workstations in the existing installation of PROCS.OEM: SCANIA
The objective of this change is to implement a new section in the production workflow. The workstations will be shared with other existing section.OEM: PSA
The project will implement new workstations in the production workflow of PROCS.OEM: VW
April 2022
Barcelona, month summary.This month we are starting several projects related with new OEM’s requirements, as the new degraded communication system for STELLANTIS called SP3, and the changes in TMA field in SEAT’s Deljit. Other interesting projects in April are implementing GIMM WebPicking and WebStation modules together with our sequencing or MES solutions. GIMM - WebPicking software can show picking lists with the materials that operator must bring to the assembly lines in a web application without waste of paper for this task. GIMM- WebStation offer a friendly user interface for the interaction with PLCs. Both web applications can be accessed by a browser installed in multiple devices such as PCs, iPads or Android Tablets.Two Product upgrades were released in April, one for GIMM CU112 and the other for LINCS2 CU014, including 2 new features:UC1326 - Adds a new configurable option in the GIMM SCS workflow that allows to make a double human validation of the container scanning. This workflow will require to insert of a special barcode or PIN number to permit the operator to continue with the validation. The special barcode will be required after any bad scanning is performed.LUC121 – New option in the Interfaces module of LINCS to allow the system to process, prepare and generate data for one item of for all pending items, based on a configurable parameter of the user interface.Please, stay tuned for more news and updates.Our best wishes.Your GIMM Solutions Team.
Project to configure a new line in PROCS for the production control of parts of vehicle models P702 and U71x.OEM: GM, FCA
GIMM-PROCS installation in a new plant producing parts for GM. PROCS will trace and control the production of parts for GM C1 vehicles Chevrolet Traverse, GMC Acadia and Buick Enclave. The system will consist of different workstations linked to PLCs, and Kitting workstations that will use GIMM-WebStation, without PLC and with Barcode Reader. They will allow to select a Kanban with a Quantity, and to print a Label. OEM: GM
Implementation of a new line in the existing PROCS installation in the plant. The new line in PROCS will trace and control the production of new parts.OEM: FORD
Project to add new workstations to the existing line in GIIMM-PROCS .OEM: MERCEDES
The project aims to change current signal logic in the message reception of LINCS system as requested by OEM Tesla. With the new logic, Tesla will send 2 different signals, one for virtual buffer and one for Dispatch.OEM: TESLA
Project to implement PLC alerts in the existing installation of GIMM-PROCS in the plant. The configuration will be done by the customer.OEM: FORD
Project to make the necessary adaptations for the new configuration of TMA data in the DELJIT order from SEAT. TMA will be changed to identify the brand SEAT/CUPRA in the second position, and the model new/existing in the third position.OEM: SEAT
Project to add new workstations to the existing line in giIMM-PROCS. The changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: FIAT
This project aims to develop a new andonboard for visualizing JIS window for JLR with the plant's requirements.OEM: JLR
This project will update 2 LINCS installations of a plant in Hlohovec to meet the new requirements from the OEMs, Jaguar Land Rover and STELLANTIS. The installation for JLR will count with a new andonboard for visualizing JIS window of JLR.On the other hand, LINCS system sequencing for STELLANTIS will be updated to implement the new degraded communication system, called SP3. Degraded mode will be used by the plant, in case of Corail system is not working properly. This new system is replacing former FAX 2D system.OEM: JLR, STELLANTIS
This project will activate gIMM-WebPicking functionality in the existing gIMM-LINCS installation at the plant in order to manage picking lists. The software will receive the list of materials from a external system to generate more than 20 different picking lists. The users will visualize some of these picking-lists in a portable web browser device and also in a pick-to-light system.OEM: VW
PROCS EMEA-HUNGARY-Jaszarokszallas
Implementation of a new line in the existing PROCS installation in the plant. The changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: VW
Project to configure new workstations on existing PL7 VW line in PROCS.OEM: VW
Project to implement new requirements in the sequencing process of the plant, as sequence and reprint label layouts, reprint functionality and Rapport Expedition procedure.OEM: GM
Implementation of a new line in the existing PROCS installation in the plant. The changes will be configured by the customer.OEM: AUDI
March 2022
Barcelona, month summary.We deployed the first phase of LINCS2 back in July of 2020. Currently it is widely implemented in plants sequencing for VW, SEAT, PSA, RSA, FORD, FIAT and JLR. As you might know, LINCS2 is a reengineered version of our material supply control system for industries with Just In Time, Just In Sequence or Kanban production systems. It is modular, easily configurable, and completely flexible for customization. The system is multilingual, and it is translated so far to English, French, Spanish, Portuguese (Portugal and Brazil) and Poland; new languages can be added from system configuration. During March, two new functionalities were released for the continuous evolution of LINCS2, and a new LINCS2 installation has started progress in Gliwice, to sequence parts for Jeep car factory in Tychy.Other projects this month mainly add changes to the existing GIMM solutions’ in the different plants. Either our consultants or the own team of the plants easily accommodate the configuration of the system to the new needs. You can find some examples in the shortlist of projects below. Please, stay tuned for more news and updates.Our best wishes.Your GIMM Solutions Team.
This project will implement a new line in GIMM-PROCS, the production control system installed in the plant, for the production of new partsOEM: RSA
Project to configure separated Pickinglists depending on the type of the order received. This Pickinglists are used by GIMM WebPicking application installed in the plant.OEM: BMW
Project to implement special Expedition Control System validations required by the plant. This quality assurance modifications will apply for both Containers and Trucks loading process.OEM: BMW-Brilliance
The project will create new subsections and operations in the existing GIMM-PROCS system. All the changes will be self-configured by the customer.OEM: GM, VOLVO
Project to implement the production control and traceability of a new line in the existing GIMM-PROCS system installed in the plant. The new line will produce parts for vehicle model VW41 IdAero.OEM: VW
With this project, the plant aims to reconfigure the production control system in accordance with the line new requirements. New parts, operations and workflow changes will be configured.OEM: BMW
Project to configure QC PLC Status Alerts in the existing GIMM-PROCS system of the plant. The changes will be self-configured by the customer.OEM: VW - FORD
Project to modify the behavior of the Expedition Control System (ECS) implemented in this plant, for the quality control of the containers sequeced and shipped. The process will be adapted to particular situations that happen during the operation at the plant.OEM: VW
Implementation of a SAP interface in the existing PROCS system. This interface will allow the plant to upload to SAP unitary production events containing the BOM of the order.OEM: SKODA
This project will add new workstations for the production control of parts for Mercedes-Benz GLC X254 model.OEM: DAIMER
Implementation of a LINCS JIT/JIS system that will sequence parts to FCA Jeep in Tychy (Poland). LINCS will be in charge of unloading the files from the OEM, perform the necessary validations and integrate them in the system for their processing. The system will arrange the references in containers and print the different labels required in the process, as the sequence, pick-list and container labels. LINCS will have two validation stations, ECS, where the operator will link the sequence label with the container to check that the correct sequence is on the correct slot. The second ECS will ensure the quality of the shipping process. OEM: FCA
PROCS configuration in the plant will be changed to implement a new kind of label and a different part number structure for specific production projects. The type of label that will be printed will depend on the reference that is sequenced.OEM: JLR
Project to configure additional workstations in the existing PROCS system of the plant.OEM: PSA
This project aims to add a new line to the existing PROCS system that controls and traces the production of a plant in Beijing. The new line will be producing parts for DAIMLER. OEM: CHRYSLER
Project to define new production routes in the system. This change in the configuration will solve new casuistics in the production of the plant.OEM: FORD
Project to implement changes in the system interface to enable a manual exception handling in sending orders to the interface with KARDEX, the self-storage system of the plant.OEM: PSA
February 2022
Barcelona, month summary.The start of the year is bringing us many interesting and diverse projects as a new JIS system in Craiova (Romania) that will sequence parts for FORD, or a new PROCS installation in a new plant in Villa de Reyes that will mainly be configured by the Customer, evidence of the maturity of our solutions. You will be able to find some information of these projects in the list below. Two Product upgrades were released in February, one for GIMM CU109 and the other for LINCS2 CU011, including 8 new features in total:UC1210 - Batch samples validation operation, is a new configuration option to block the production in certain operations depending on the status of samples produced with the same batches. UC1201 - WebStation manual traceability screen consists of a new WebStation's screen for manually entering the traceability parameters when working without PLC or in degraded mode. UC1200 - REST interface for scrap and production by box, is a new REST interface for declaring scrap to MII using API REST. Also includes an extension of the current MII interfaces for declaring production by boxes. UC1249 - PROCS Extract quantity from batch barcode is a new functionality in PROCS workstations to allow opening batches with a quantity included in the batch label barcode. UC1311 - Automatic export forecast to CSV, is a new interface to automatically export forecast data to CSV. UC1329 - Add delay parameter to Interface Export Blockchain Files, implements a new parameter in the configuration of the interface for exporting Blockchain files to add a delay time between the production of parts and the inclusion of them in the files. This option is useful to minimize the possibility of including parts that are scrapped after finished with the components recovered and used in new parts. UC1316 - ASN AVIEXP Interface Update Configuration Fields, offers new configuration parameters in ASN for Trucks interface for configuring sender and receiver codes, the possibility of including the supply group informed in the module code of the order and a relationship between the modules and the part family.LUC109 - Manual Reorder and material request, allows users to manually create reorders based in requested car orders (Reorder) or in masterdata references (Material Request). Reorders are processed with the use of Degraded Mode. New configurable recipes are added to manage and transform data for Reorder and Material Requests based on plants’ needs.As usual, please refer to our Download Center for additional information on all new features. Download Center is accessible from the Customer Area . We will also be very happy to receive your contact requests for more information about our products and services. Your GIMM Solutions team.
Implementation of a JIS solution to deliver parts to Ford Craiova as part of the BX726, V769 and B515 projects. LINCS system will be in charge of interpreting and integrating the data coming on Forecast (ILVS) and Call-off (SYNCHRO) messages received from the OEM through GIMM EDI connector, SYNCHRON. LINCS system will trigger the sequencing and the shipping process after the reception of each SYNCHRO message. The sequencing process will finalize with a LINCS ECS validation station where the operator links the sequence with the item production label and checks that the correct sequence is on the correct slot of the rack.The whole system and JIS process will be monitored and managed from LINCS Web user interface which offers reporting, manual operations, system data management and views and alerts and warnings management.OEM: FORD
Project to adapt the system's workflow in the plant so for a certain type of workstation it is possible to execute it on either of the two existing production lines.OEM: SEAT/AUDI
This project aims to install and deploy a new PROCS system in Roermond for the production control and traceability of parts for DAF Truck MY21. The system will be configured in several phases to fit the Plant's needsOEM: DAF
Project to install and deploy PROCS system in a new plant in Villa de Reyes (Mexico). The system will be configured in a small part by GIMM Team and the rest, mainly all workstations for the 2 production lines, will be self-configured by the Plant's Team, thus taking advantage of reduced implementation prices.OEM: GM
Project to upgrade the plant's GIMM system with new product functionalities requested by the OEM and the plant. - GIMM will start sending the content of every truck shipped to BMW in the ASN-AVIEXP interface. - The SCS (Shipping Control System), will always ask for the postion label instead of the loading order (ascending or descending) configuration parameter. - In order to minimize the errors during the container validation scanning, the SCS will get blocked if the operator scans a wrong barcode. The system will ask for a special PIN code to unlock the system again.OEM: BMW
PROCS system configuration in the plant will be modified to include a new workflow and workstations for two groups of parts. These parts will be identified during the trascodification process of the JIT order.OEM: BMW
This project aims to add new workstations to PROCS system workflow.OEM: BMW
Implementation of 7 new stations on the existing line that will be controlled by the PROCS System in the plant.OEM: CHRYSLER
Project to implement a customized WebCore screen in the Expedition Control Systems (ECS) of the plant. The new screen will enable additional data visualization of the next racks to be shipped. OEM: RSA
This project will create new flows with new stations on the current PROCS system of the plant. The changes will lead to the production control and traceability of parts for vehicle model FORD V710 PANTHER. OEM: FORD
Project that will implement 2 new stations for VW PL7 project in the existing PROCS system.OEM: VW
This project aims to adapt the functionality done by one PROCS workstation due to new plant's needs. The workstation will start executing the control and traceability of two operations.OEM: TOYOTA
Project for the implementation of a new line in the PROCS system existing in the plant. This new line will be dedicated to the production control and traceability of GM T1XX LZ0 model.OEM: GM
January 2022
Barcelona, month summary.Starts are always exciting, so are New Years. Our motto for this year is GIMM TO THE CLOUD, with two meanings for us. The challenges that the pandemic set in front of us have demonstrated that we have no limits as a Team! The second message implicit is more related with IT technologies and celebrates the fact that we are starting to offer our products as a Cloud service, thus reducing the costs in hardware and software licenses and improving the scalability of the product depending on the customers’ temporary needs.As every month, we keep a regular and continuous step towards improvement. During January, we released 3 cumulative updates with 6 new functionalities included in GIMM PROCS and 1 more in Runblocks: UC1305 - Using Copy/Paste to enter data on WebStation, is an improvement in the usability of WebStations that will reduce the user effort and the possibility of human errors while entering information.UC1265 - PROCS workstations recovery Option, implements alternatives in the usage of components, subcomponents, sub-subcomponents when and item is going to be reused.UC1247 - Add batch's scanned value to the Item report, aims to improve the detailed information included in the report by adding the real scanned value of all the batches used for the batches that were used to produce the final part.UC1184 - gIMM WebPicking MII Transfer API and UC1301 - Workcenter management are two new functionalities that enables uploading picking lists information and the workcenter data to the plants’ ERP.UC1253 - Workstations Limit Reprint introduces the possibility to configure a limit in the number of times a label can be reprinted.XUC190 - New values in the API response to manage in the TESLA connector, implements a requirement from the OEM, obtaining new information from the orders’ message.You will find more details about these functionalities in the Download Center accessible from the Customer Area . We are also very happy to receive your contact requests for more information about our products and services. Your GIMM Solutions team.
Project to increase the number of workstations that will be controlled by PROCS in the production of parts for Chrysler vehicles.OEM: FCA
Project to implement new workstations for the production control and traceability of parts for FORD ESCAPE vehicles.OEM: FORD
Project to adapt the existing LINCS system in the plant to apply a different processing of the labels in case of orders for certain references.OEM: DAIMLER
Project to implement new workstations for the production control of parts for LUCID Electric luxury cars.OEM: LUCID
This project will implement a new OEM requirement regarding the Convergence parameters that come in the call-off orders for SEAT. It will also adapt the processing of the new formatted information to the tier-1 supplier needs.OEM: SEAT
Project to adapt the LINCS system in place to integrate and process a new attribute in the sequencing of orders and the degraded mode process.OEM: PSA