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November 2013
LINCS – EMEA-Czesch Republic-Mlada
Mlada Boleslav -W176 Duplicate line
The plant will duplicate the production line to cope with growing production demand. gIMM-PROCS will be configured to control 16 more workstations. The deployment in various phases assures a low risk rollout of the new workstations.
LINCS – EMEA-France-Guichen
New plant: Guichen LINCS PSA
The plant will implement one LINCS JIT/JIS system in order to supply rear bumpers assembly line1 and models X7/W2 to PSA Rennes. The system will provide the standard functionalities: message processing, container management, ECS system for container, Container labels printing and warning system.
October 2013
China (Wuhan) A94 T91-93 IP gIMM-PROCS
The plant will update its production lines A94 / T91-T93, increasing in 11 workstations. gIMM-PROCS will be reconfigured to control the new workstations.
September 2013
PROCS – EMEA-Spain-Vitoria
Lacor Industrial Quality – Vitoria – Secuenciación MBE
The plant will implement a gIMM-LINCS JIT system in order to deliver parts to Mercedes – Daimler (MBE) in Vitoria and a gIMM-STOCS system to manage the plant stock warehouse. The LINCS system will provide the standard functionalities: message processing, container management, ECS system for container, Container labels printing and warning system.
STOCS system will send the OEM the stocktaking, maintain customer, providers, references and packaging catalogs, receive goods and allow to print the warehouse label and control warehouse status and allow its regularization.
PROCS – EMEA-Slovakia-Kosice
Kosice – AC217IP gIMM PROCS
The plant will update its production line AC217IP line , increasing in 25 workstations. gIMM-PROCS will be reconfigured to control the new workstations.
August 2013
PROCS – EMEA-France-Bavans
New plant: Bavans – gIMM PROCS
Bavans (France). The plant will have a traceability system for controlling the production of each part of the project BAVANS. PROCS System will control 4 new workstations.
July 2013
PROCS – EMEA-France-Beaulieu
Beaulieu – Upgrade to gIMM version 3.12
Beaulieu (France) The plant will upgrade its current installed version 3.5.2. to the latest one, 3.12. The number of workstations to be upgraded is 27.
LINCS – EMEA-France-Vernon
LINCS Vernon Renault Sandouville L3PS
Vernon (France). The plant will implement one LINCS JIT/JIS system that will sequence to assembly line1 and models X82 of Renault Sandouville. The LINCS system will provide the standard functionalities: message processing, container management, ECS system for container and truck validations, Container and truck labels printing and warning system.
May 2013
LINCS – EMEA-Spain-Vitoria
Vitoria-VS20-Adaptation LINCS
Vitoria (Spain). The plant will adapt its current LINCS JIT/JIS system to include the sequencing for new VS20 model for Mercedes Vitoria (MBE). The sequence process for durrent model NCV2 will remain the same until its end of production. Apart from the standard functionalities, the system will allow to print Picklist for the new model, sequence label KIT BOX for both models, and will add new information about the container in the sequence label.
April 2013
PROCS – EMEA-Netherlands-Roermond
New plant: Roermond F385B – gIMMPROCS
Roermond (Netherlands). The plant will implemente a gIMM-PROCS traceability system for controlling the production of each part of the project ROERMOND F385B. The PROCS system will control 9 new workstations.
New gIMM version 3.12
Some of the improvements and new functionality added include: Open Rack Automatically, Two TPC’s on the same WorkStation, Export Tool, Import Tool, gIMM Compatibility 64-bit Environments.
March 2013
New gIMM projects
Sequencing projects in Vernon and Saint-Désirat and additional ones from traceability and production control projects in Tanger, Roermond, Arevalo and Villaverde.
Global automotive suppliers continue to reinforce their confidence in gIMM as a leader product for managing automotive supply chains.
January 2013
gIMM closes 2012 with a record increment sales when comparing with 2011.
Despite the global recession, the Automotive sector has proven to be a safe haven for IT investments. Especially Asia has shown the highest increment rates, with some succesful implementations in Thailand and South Korea