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November 2014
gIMM – gIMM 3.12 SP2 released
Tool for installing and managing the license.
Tool to automate installation of software cumulative updates.
Configurable translator using user configurable Visual Basic or C# code. This service pack also includes a Visual Studio project for helping the development of new translators.
LINCS – EMEA-Poland-Poznan
New plant: Poznan-Implementation LINCS in PO-poznan
The plant will implement gIMM-LINCS JIT/JIS system to supply for assembly line 1 for the Caddy model version 3 and 4 at Volkswagen nearby plant. The system will provide the standard functionalities: message processing, container management, ECS system for container, Container labels printing and warning system.
October 2014
PROCS – UC883_886_890_891_Blowing Modifications
Gimm PROCS will be changed in order to improve the fuctionalities for Blowing workstations.
– show version info of PLC.
– Add a new security time interval between to valid weight measures in order to ignore all signals received during this period
– Add new Barcode for printint a new TSN without PLC / Weightscale.
PROCS – EMEA-Russia-Luga
Luga B299 gIMM-PROCS implementation
The plant will implement gimm-PROCS on its new line B299. The line will have 11 workstations.
PROCS – EMEA-France-Bains-sur-Oust
BSO – Upgrade PROCS to 3.12
The plant is producing the Instrumental Panels for 2 models of PSA Group, named with the project codes W2 and X7. The production lines have a total amount of 11 workstations (some of them shared between W2 and X7 lines). This plant is working with PROCS since 2008 and at the end of 2015 the version is upgraded to PROCS 3.12.
September 2014
gIMM – UC893 – New functionalities
gIMM 3.12 or higher is implementing new functionalities in order to allow new functions for workstations, add the possibility to use production multi-routes, and stop/start several workstations on FECT and similar projects.
August 2014
PROCS – EMEA-Spain-Barcelona
Abrera-New PickToLight System
The plant will implement a change in current LINCS system to manage a new work area that controls 75 new shelve-locations using pick-to-light. The system will add a new container to be managed by the system and a new Expedition Control System (ECS) to validate this container. The pick-to-light system existing in the plant will be synchronized with ECS in order to switch on and off the lights as white-collar operator advance in the work.
July 2014
LINCS – EMEA-France-Saint Desirat
New plant: Saint Desirat – P2683 – Flux CKD.
The plant will add add a CKD flow to current LINCS configuration to manage new DELJIT file with production assigned to new set of containers for each family and new trucks. Also new Expedition Control System (ECS) for containers and truck will be implemented.
PROCS – EMEA-South Africa-Port Elizabeth
Port Elizabeth Cummins CVE Volvo – gIMM-PROCS
The plant will implement a traceability system for controlling the production of each part of the project PORT ELIZABETH CUMMINS CVE VOLVO. PROCS system will control 11 new workstations, which are used to control the production process of exhaust pipes. Once the parts are produced, they are packed into containers.
June 2014
PROCS – EMEA-Czech Republic-Bakov
New Plant: Bakov – VW MQB A1 – gIMM PROCS
The plant will implement PROCS traceability system for controlling the production of each part of the project Bakov VW MQB A1. The project will have 2 workstations.
PROCS – EMEA-Spain-Pamplona
New Plant: Orkoien – gIMM-PROCS D610-D620
The plant will implement a traceability system for controlling the production of each part of the project ORKOIEN D610-D620. gIMM-PROCS system will control 4 new workstations.
These workstations are used to produce and pack exhaust pipes in the same operation. It means that the plant uses packing workstations to pack the produced parts doing a conformity check of the components used to build the part in the same operation.
May 2014
PROCS – EMEA-Russia-Togliatti
Togliatti-New shipping Flow
The plant will add a productive station for producing kits and change the SCS for loading kits. In consequence, gIMM system will be changed to validate the components of a kit (the modules) on a first step and later on load the kit on the corresponding container by checking only the kit label. The idea is to allow loading into the container whichever kit of the expected part number, not necessarily the launched for the order itself.
PROCS – EMEA-Spain-Valencia
Almussafes – CD391E (Sequence and traceability) – New Ford Mondeo (Door Panels)
The plant is producing the Door Panels for the new Mondeo model of Ford car manufacturer (identified with the code CD391E). The door panels production is done in JIT (Just-In-Time) mode and managed by LINCS (RvsJIT). Once the reception of call offs is done in LINCS, it communicates to PROCS the production order and triggers the printing of the production labels that will be used by the operators to complete them through its 13 workstations.
The plant of Faurecia Almussafes is working with PROCS since 2006 (being one of the first plants with PROCS) and due to its increasingly growth, it has nowadays 3 PROCS systems, supporting more than 100 workstations on the Interior Systems and Emission Control Technologies divisions.
April 2014
PROCS – EMEA-Netherlands-Roermond
Roermond-F313B CMI€6 gIMM-PROCS
The plant will implement gIMM-PROCS traceability system for controlling the production of each part of the project ROERMOND F313B CMI, F385B SCANIA and F304 DAF. PROCS system will control 60 workstations.
PROCS – EMEA-Netherlands-Roermond
Roermond-F304 DAF€6 gIMM-PROCS
The plant will implement gIMM PROCS traceability system for controlling the production of each part of the project ROERMOND F304 DAF €6. PROCS system will control 17 workstations.
The plant will use the traceability system to make conformity checks and store process parameters during the production process of exhaust pipes, and also to print production labels in some of the stations.
Chennai – B515 IP LHD
The plant is producing the Instrumental Panels for a vehicle of Ford car manufacturer with PROCS since 2012. Initially, these vehicles where foreseen to be sold only in Asia, but in 2014 it was decided to open the markets and to produce cars also for the European market. For that reason, the production line needed to be adapted to these new requirements (change operational procedures and addition of workstations), since the European market requires higher levels of quality and security.
gIMM – UC845 – workstations communication protocol improvements
gIMM version gIMM will add new functionalities and improvements on PROCS workstations:Random order for componentsRead components one by oneCurrent Container StatusUnpack mandatory for reprocessing on Packing stationPacking degraded mode labelsReprint from reportsContainer position on item reportChange variables position and show offset on configuration screenCopy-Paste for variables configurationFormatting function on tag and super tag edition screenPrint format by part type configurationAll WS by device in workstations viewer report
March 2014
PROCS – EMEA-Russia-Luga
Luga-B515IP gIMM-PROCS implementation
The plant will implement a new line B515IP on the existing gIMM-PROCS installation. The system will control 10 more workstations.
February 2014
PROCS – EMEA-England-Fradley
Fradley – L494 IS DP Block 96
The plant is one of the top suppliers of Jaguar-Land Rover car manufacturer. Since 2008 it is working with PROCS for the production of the Instrumental Panels of a Land Rover vehicle. During 2011 started producing the door panels for Land Rover Range Rover (L405) in JIT (Just-In-Time) mode, all controlled with a complete gIMM system (sequencing and production). At the beginning of 2014, Land Rover launched to market the Sport version of the Range Rover (L494) and opened a new facility in the Solihull factory to produce it (named Block 96). This required to install a second complete gIMM system in the plant of Faurecia Fradley for producing the door panels of this new vehicle in an assembly lines of 22 workstations.
January 2014
PROCS – EMEA-Slovakia-Kosice
Kosice – AC217DP gIMM-PROCS
The plant will change the existing production line AC217DP line adding 18 workstations. The existing gIMM-PROCS traceability system will be reconfigured to control the new workstations.
LINCS – EMEA-Spain-Barcelona
Auto VW Martorell- optimizationT12
The plant will migrate its current LINCS system to a virtualized environment. LINCS version will be upgraded to the latest one.
As a part of the continual improvement process of the car manufacturer, two LINCS systems will be consolidated into one gIMM – LINCS system in a virtualized environment. A paper printing reduction will be achieved by analyzing all the sequenced families (50+) to the assembly line and switching from a unitary part labeling to lists of parts to be used by operators.